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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Fun Psychology facts here! People spend money happier ????

Fun Psychology facts here! remember your bad memories

My teacher was talking about how God could use our dreams for prophecies or anything for that matter, we were talking about Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel

Fun Psychology facts here! Dream your girl

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fun Psychology facts here! Get out from my mind

nobody thinking about me , it waste my time and energy

This is really true, If a not so good looking guy smells good it really makes a difference!

Fun Psychology facts here! Win argument ask stupid question

Fun Psychology facts here! Not so sure this is true cause I listen to way more music than that and can't remember diddly!

Psychology Facts! Music make you happier

Psychology Facts the power of lazy people

in a nutshell...

Psychology Facts intelligent person

Five things you can do to be happier: meditation, smiling, exercise, help others and follow your passion.

Fun Psychology facts here!look up and left ... lying

People are 50% more likely to agree to do what you ask them if you speak into the right ear.

Fun Psychology facts here! Hand gesture

Trust your gut

The benefits from meditation are tremendous.

Fun Psychology facts here!writing is good | pain alters personality

Psychology Facts : creative or mad

Fun Psychology facts here! Messy room

Fun Psychology facts here! Days nap memory and heart

Fun Psychology facts here! Sleeping

Me. Maybe I'm not Lonely. Just a loner.

Color Psychology: How Different Colors Are Influencing You ~